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What is Chi Nei Tsang

Chi Nei Tsang is a Chinese term for an internal organ Chi massage. It is a Taoist organ detox massage, with a focus on the abdominal area. It blends Chinese and Thai massage and meditation techniques, making it truly different from any other healing modality.

This technique is  very powerful, it guides our awareness to our major organs and with a special massage technique releases knots, tangles and tension. This treatment and its many protocols were uniquely developed by Master Mantak Chia.

How does it work?

The life-force energy Qi moves through the body’s internal channels, nervous system, blood vessels, and lymph glands. These systems concentrate and cross paths in the abdomen, which acts as their control center. Tensions, worries, and stresses of the day, month, or year accumulate and are seldom dispersed. It can cause physical tangling and knotting of the nerves, blood vessels, and lymph nodes, causing the gradual obstruction of energy circulation.

If the abdomen area is knotted up, the whole energy of the body is blocked. When this occurs, all the vital energy functions strain, slowly weakening the internal organs and decreasing energy. The result could be indigestion, constipation, bloating, insomnia, whole body toxicity, poor skin quality, and an inability to lose weight.

The Taoists discovered that most maladies could be healed once the underlying toxins and negative forces were released from the body. They developed the art of Chi Nei Tsang to recycle and transform negative energies that obstruct the internal organs and cause knots in the abdomen.

Chi Nei Tsang massage quickly releases negative emotions, tensions and sicknesses, bringing comfort and relief to the abdomen and vital energy to the internal organs. Chi Nei Tsang is also effective in the treatment of digestive problems, such as irritable bowel syndrome and bloating and constipation. It eliminates toxins in the gastrointestinal tract and promotes lymphatic drainage.

Who performs this technique? Where can I find a CNT practitioner?

Master Chia is teaching this massage technique and he has certified many practitioners over the years. It is important to know that CNT may be performed on the self and your practitioner/teacher will teach you how to do this.

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Master Chia is teaching CNT during Summer Retreat online and in Tao Garden.

Chi Nei Tsang I

Qi Massage for the Vital Organs

Chi Nei Tsang techniques originated in Asia, a time when access to physicians was limited, and individuals needed the knowledge to heal themselves. Many people experience ailments that elude modern medical diagnosis in our contemporary world because these issues often lack easily identifiable physical causes. Common factors in today’s lifestyles, such as negative emotions, stress, tension, and the residual effects of previous illnesses, tend to accumulate in the abdominal region. This accumulation results in energy blockages and congestion, leading to stagnation in vital bodily functions and numerous health problems.

The practice of Chi Nei Tsang aims to alleviate this stagnation by removing blockages and detoxifying the vital organs around the navel center. By doing so, individuals can experience a revitalization of their overall health.

Master Chia imparts valuable teachings on shielding oneself from absorbing negative energies from external sources and taking personal responsibility for one’s health using Chi Nei Tsang’s self-healing techniques. His teachings include fully illustrated exercises that guide individuals in detoxifying their internal organs and clearing the body’s energy channels (known as meridians). Additionally, he shares methods for emotional balance, stress management, and body observation. By recognizing, addressing, and preventing health issues before they manifest, individuals can empower themselves to maintain their well-being effectively.

Chi Nei chart showing areas where to balance organ energies.

Chi Nei Tsang II

Enhancing Qi Energy in the Vital Organs

In Taoism, good health relies on the free flow of vital life energy, called Qi. This flowing Qi is often likened to a favorable wind, bringing well-being. However, when this energy gets stuck in the body, it becomes a negative force, leading to physical or emotional issues. This negative energy is called “sick” or “evil” wind. Advanced Chi Nei Tsang practices are all about mastering these energetic winds. They involve techniques that heighten our awareness of these negative energies, release energy blockages in the body’s pathways, and expel unhealthy energy, restoring a balanced energy flow.

Negative energies tend to accumulate in the abdominal area due to stress, tension, and lingering effects of past illnesses. Therefore, advanced Chi Nei Tsang techniques use elbow pressure on specific reflex points near the navel to release energy blockages linked to each internal organ. These techniques also target wind access points near traditional acupuncture points. Building on the organ detoxification and rejuvenation principles introduced in Chi Nei Tsang, these advanced methods allow practitioners to work deeply at an energetic level, promoting the restoration of optimal health and well-being.

Chasing of the winds with elbow pumping.

Chi Nei Tsang III (Chi Nei Ching)

Vibrational Meridian Massage with Tok-Sen Hammers

Good health depends on the free flow of life-force energy, Qi, throughout the body. The accumulation of tension in the muscles and tendons and the stagnation of negative energy can lead to blockages in the body’s energy channels, resulting in pain, low energy, or illness. Master Chia details massage techniques for unblocking Qi, releasing tight tendons and muscles, and alleviating back and joint pain, and explains how to treat specific ailments, such as headache, stiff shoulder, or lumbar pain, with the traditional Thai massage technique known as Tok Sen.

This method is particularly effective for joint pain because the vibrations can reach more deeply and accurately within the body’s structure than a massage therapist’s fingers. Master Chia also explains the Gua Sha technique —scraping different body parts to clear blood stagnation, promote metabolism, and treat acute illnesses.

Master Chia shows the use of Tok Sen hammers.

Chi Nei Tsang IV (Karsai Nei Tsang)

Therapeutic Massage for the Sexual Organs

Karsai Nei Tsang is a specialized therapeutic practice that concentrates on the genital and pelvic regions of the body. It has demonstrated effectiveness in addressing a range of concerns, including impotency, frequent and challenging urination, mild testicular discomfort, painful menstruation, ovarian cysts, menopausal symptoms, discomfort during intercourse, and reduced libido. Additionally, it has been found beneficial for conditions such as back pain, sciatica, and hormonal imbalances.

Our sexual organs play a pivotal role in both our physical and emotional well-being. Many emotional traumas and stresses tend to accumulate in the pelvic area, manifesting as muscle tension, ligament and tendon imbalances, and disruptions in the body’s meridians and organs. These accumulations often lead to the buildup of toxins and the formation of energetic blockages. Karsai Nei Tsang focuses on liberating the Jing Qi of the sexual organs, a potent source of healing energy. It achieves this by employing massage techniques, clearing meridians, and facilitating detoxification, all of which help resolve physical and emotional hindrances in the pelvic region.

Furthermore, Karsai Nei Tsang can be instrumental in relieving back pain and sciatica, enhancing overall body alignment, fortifying the pelvic floor, harmonizing hormonal levels, and boosting general vitality.


Chi Nei Tsang V (Life Pulse Massage)

Taoist Techniques for Enhanced Circulation and Detoxification

Blood and Qi, the vital life energy, often circulate together throughout the body, with blood serving as the carrier for this essential energy. Regions where sluggish or blocked circulation can result in hindrances to the flow of vital energy and the accumulation of toxins. Life Pulse Massage offers a means to clear these blockages, rejuvenating cardiovascular function, purifying organs, and re-establishing the smooth circulation of blood and chi throughout the body.

Master Chia provides comprehensive guidance on abdominal massage techniques aimed at opening constricted blood vessels, redirecting blood flow to specific areas to facilitate healing, releasing tension in arteries to rebalance high or low blood pressure, and detoxifying individual organs and bodily systems like the liver, lungs, lymph nodes, and colon. He demonstrates how to clear and activate the master pulses located at the navel and aorta, harmonizing these master pulses with the 52 pulses found throughout the entire body to optimize circulation and energy equilibrium. Additionally, he imparts knowledge about the ancient practice of pulse reading to diagnose organ health and the ability to discern internal health conditions by examining the distinct positions and shapes of the navel.

Furthermore, Master Chia outlines specific Life Pulse Massage treatments tailored to address common ailments such as lower back pain, sciatica, asthma, headaches, and reproductive issues. By facilitating the unrestricted flow of blood and Qi, this practice is a preventative measure against illnesses, revitalizes organs, and sets the foundation for optimal health.


Becoming CNT Practitioner and Teacher

You can become a CNT Practitioner by studying Mantak Chia’s Summer Retreat workshops in Tao Garden or online.

You can check the general guidelines here: General Guidelines

For each level of CNT, you first attend the training. If you attend online, you need to find afterwards a CNT certified Teacher and practice with him/her the hands-on techniques that Master Chia taught in class. This hands-on practice can be done in 2 days, with 5 or 6 hours a day. Only after this practice can an online student begin to collect case studies.

You then need to collect a required number of cases and practice the techniques of that level. Please note that becoming a CNT 1 certified Practitioner is a prerequisite before you start any other level. If your goal is to be certified, you should start with CNT 1.

  • CNT 1 70 case studies
  • CNT 2 70 case studies
  • CNT 3 30 case studies
  • CNT 4 30 case studies
  • CNT 5 30 case studies

Example 1 : to collect 70 case studies, treat 12 people 5 times = 60 + 10 more by treating a few people once or twice

Example 2: to collect 30 case studies, treat 4 people 5 times = 20 + 10 more by treating a few people once or twice.

To collect all your case studies, we recommend finding about 20 people to treat : family, friends, close clients; each person 4 or 5 times to see results. You can massage for free or charge a small fee and explain that you are in the education process and not fully certified.

For certification After sufficient practice and collection of your case studies, you then attend the same CNT workshop a 2nd time. You must do this one live with Master Chia or another CNT Senior Instructor, because that’s when you will be evaluated for certification, along with your case studies.

Chi Nei Tsang Files, Form & Case Study

Related Workshops

Chi Nei Tsang workshops in Tao Garden
Join face-to-face workshops in Tao Garden, Thailand and learn Chi Nei Tsang I-IV. You can learn CNT IV (Karsai) only in Tao Garden.
Chi Nei Tsang workshops LIVE online
You can learn Chi Nei Tsang I-III online, ask your questions LIVE and start your path to become a CNT Practitioner.
Chi Nei Tsang V Life Pulse Massage
You will learn the practice of Chi Nei Tsang V Life Pulse Massage to clear the blockages, revitalizing cardiovascular function, detoxifying the organs, and restoring the flow of blood and chi throughout the body.

Related Books

Karsai Nei Tsang: Genital Therapeutic Massage
This booklet gives you the preparation for Karsai Nei Tsang by refining the Chi Nei Tsang skills of dissolving Knots and Tangles through Hand Techniques opening the Abdominal, Sexual Palace, Wind Gate, Psoas Muscle, Ligament and Meridian Lines
Chi Nei Tsang Microcurrent: Activating Frequency of Life in your Body
CNT Microcurrent is a state of the art combination of Microcurrent Electrical Therapy and ancient Taoist Chi Nei Tsang Energy Massage developed by Master Chia.
Chi Nei Tsang III: Internal Organ Chi Massage
This is the next chapter of the Chi Nei Tsang Internal Massage moving the energy (Chi) throughout the body while releasing and opening up its passages.
Chi Nei Tsang II: Internal Organ Chi Massage
This booklet gives an explanation and step-by-step instruction of Chi Nei Tsang Working Procedures
Chi Nei Tsang I: Internal Organ Chi Massage
This booklet gives an explanation and step-by-step Meditations and Practices of Chi Nei Tsang I
Life Pulse Massage: Activating the Pulse of Life in the Body
Life Pulse Massage Pulse is Life. From the beginning of existence, our Original Pulse beats within the first cells, even before the heart and other organs are formed.
Cosmic Self-Massage: Taoist Way of Rejuvenation
This booklet gives you an explanation and step-by-step practices of Cosmic Self-Massage on Palms, Fingers, Head, Face, Temples, Mouth, Eyes, Nose, Ears, Gums, Tongue, Teeth, Neck and Shoulder and Detoxification on the Thymus Gland, Heart, Lungs, Liver, Stomach, Spleen, Pancreas, Kidneys, Sacrum, Knees and Feet.