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Universal Healing Tao

Universal Healing Tao will benefit your health and personal wellbeing in ways you can hardly imagine.
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Ancient Healing Traditions of Taoism

Welcome to the home of the Universal Healing Tao, which is rooted in the ancient healing traditions of Taoism from China. The Universal Healing Tao (UHT) was created by Master Mantak Chia as a result of Master Chia’s six-plus decades of personal experience teaching tens of thousands of students from practically every country on earth. Almost 50 years, Mantak Chia has been the leader in teaching the to the Western world.
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Worldwide Instructor/ Practitioner Directory

Use our Worldwide Instructor/Practitioner Directory to make contact with a highly qualified practitioner near you. His nearly 2500 active certified instructors in 57 countries spread the Taoist healing teachings across the planet.
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Universal Shop

You can join the tens of thousands of people who have begun to reclaim their personal power and begin your healing today. Decide now to invest holistically in your life. The unique resources of the Universal Healing Tao will benefit your health and personal wellbeing in ways you can hardly imagine.
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Taoist Self-Development Course Description

The Universal Healing Tao is a practical system of self-development that enables individuals to complete the harmonious evolution of their physical, mental and spiritual, bodies. Through a series of ancient Chinese meditative and internal energy exercises, the practitioner learns to increase physical energy, release tension, improve health, practice self-defense and gain the ability to heal oneself and others. In the process of creating a solid foundation of health and well-being in the physical body, one also creates the basis for developing their spiritual potential.
Instructor Training Retreat Four Weeks only in winter time
Inner Alchemy Microcosmic Orbit and Sexual Alchemy Practice
Fusion I, Tan Tien Chi Kung & Tao Yin
Fusion II & III, Tai Chi Chi Kung I
Summer Retreat & Chi Nei Tsang Core Body and Soul Healing Retreat
Cosmic Healing I (Cosmic Chi Kung – Buddha Palm) (Certification)
Chi Nei Tsang I (Internal organs Detox Chi Massage) (Certification)
Chi Nei Tsang II: Chasing the wind, Elixir Chi Kung (Five Finger Kung Fu) (Certification)
Chi Nei Tsang III Healing Harmony Tok Sen (Certification)
Chi Nei Tsang V Life Pulse Massage (Certification)

About Universal Healing Tao

Welcome to the home of the Universal Healing Tao, which is rooted in the ancient healing traditions of Taoism from China. The Universal Healing Tao (UHT) was created by Master Mantak Chia as a result of Master Chia’s six-plus decades of personal experience teaching tens of thousands of students from practically every country on earth. Almost 50 years, Mantak Chia has been the leader in teaching the to the Western world.
The Universal Healing Tao divided into four healing arts
There are several ways you can proceed to learn the Healing Tao


So here’s what this system has given me… I was diagnosed with osteoporosis in 1983, which had caused a spontaneous fracture in my 5th thoracic vertebrae. After I began studying the Healing Tao, I never again broke a bone, and, within a year of my diagnosis, my bone density actually increased. Every other year, I get checked for osteoporosis.
Dena Saxer, L.A.
Hello my Dear Master Chia! First of all I want to wish you Happy New Year, and wish that more and more students will meet your heart and light, I can say that I am good now, this condition is good, I have pain sometimes but I can handle with that, of course because I meet You my dear Master! Only thing I miss is Tao Garden but I hope so if I have any chance I will be visit Tao Garden again.
Miroslav, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
My name is Alex, me and my wife want to say thank you for amazing place “Tao Garden” where one day ago happened birth of our fantastic baby girl! We call her Stefani and we already use all energy of nature of that place doing baby yoga outside! We’ve been all over the world and didn’t see so peaceful place like “Tao garden”, that’s why we decided to go here for this special moment!
Vlada, Alex and Stefani
I have come upon Master Chia’s Taoist practice in my old age, and find it the most satisfying and enriching practice of all those I have encountered in a long life of seeking and practicing.” – Felix Morrow, Senior Publisher “..the generation of sexual/bio-electrical energy as suggested by Mantak Chia.. is the path I have personally followed and experienced for over seven years. The other [path] is through the various practices described by Aleister Crowley ..” magistertempli