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Healthy Multi-Orgasmic and a life of Joy with Marina Dadasheva


Workshop with Marina Dadasheva

Seminar for Women & Man of any age with a teacher of Tao practices, yoga and tantric rituals.

The feminine principle is beautiful in all its manifestations: in the form of a skilled geisha; in the image of the White Tigress – forever young and warlike; quivering mistress; faithful and loving wife; the guardians of the hearth – a tender mother, a sensitive loving daughter and sister. This training is for those who want to discover in themselves previously unclaimed opportunities and new potentials of their femininity; whether you already have a partner or he is on his way to you.

The seminars fee €400 euros.

The seminars for Couple €550 euros.

Seminar in Tao Garden: 7-13 June 2023 Accommodation not include


7 – 8 am Morning chi kung
8 – 9 am Breakfast
10:30 am – 13:30 workshop
7 – 8 pm Evening meditation & Tao Yin

Email: [email protected]