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Chakrasana (Wheel Posture)

by The Professor 

Lie down on your back, draw up the knees so that they point upwards while the heel of each foot touches the corresponding hip with the soles of the feet resting on the ground. Place your hands on either side of your head with the elbows pointing upwards and the palms and the fingers resting squarely on the ground. Then supporting the weight of your body on your hands and feet raise your hips and abdomen as high as you can so that the entire body describes an. arch with only the hands and the feet touching the ground. Keep the body as still as possible. The hands and feet should hold the ground and remain firmly in position. Raise the back as far up as possible so that the body imitates the shape of the rim of a wheel as much as possible. Take a deep breath before raising the body. Continue deep breathing during the posture. Fill the lungs again with air before slowly returning to the ground at the end of the exercise. After lying down on the ground, deep breathing should continue for a few seconds. The eyes may be open or closed.


This posture keeps the spine young and flexible even during old age. It helps the exerciser retain the flexibility and tightness of all the dorsal and ventral muscles. The Yogis prescribe this posture for improving the eyesight, and the richness and clarity of the voice. It is also claimed that it tones up the lymph glands and clears inflammatory conditions. It improves the texture and complexion of the skin. It tones up the sex center in the spine. It also gives relief in cases of constipation, flatulence, nausea and asthma. It is claimed that it removes unpleasant sensations (pins and needles, burning, tenderness, pricking, general debility, rigidity, and anorexia, or lack of appetite). It tones up the nerves serving the organs of sight, hearing, smell and taste. It also improves the circulation of blood to the brain, thereby contributing to intelligence and alertness, it stretches and tones up the inguinal and pelvic muscles and vessels and tones up the pelvic organs.