At Pakua Integrative Health Clinic our Chronic Pain Management, Detox and Stress Relief programs focus on different therapeutic bodywork modalities, like Muscle Tendon and Tok Sen.

Energy Lines

In all the Traditional East Asia Medicines (TEAM), the human body is treated as a whole communication network. The “energy lines” are communication pathways. Any blockage in this information network will cause disease and pain. Some researchers have pointed out the connection between myofascial tissues and the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) meridians. It would appear that the energetic system of TEAM corresponds to myofascial lines, although further research is needed to investigate this relationship ( see the article” How does therapeutic bodywork work?”).

Muscle Tendon is a deep bodywork to release tensions and blockages along the myofascial meridians (Sen in the traditional Thai medicine) .

In Conclusion

Tok Sen is a unique healing therapy developed in northern Thailand (Lanna) over 5000 years ago. Tok Sen literally means to clear the energy lines. It uses vibration to release tensions and make energy flow along the myofascial meridians.
“No free-flow=pain; free flow=no pain”.