Summer Course Details

Inner Alchemy Basic Level I Retreat

The Basic Retreat is training for beginners and intermediate level practitioners, and those desiring a review of first essentials. This week is devoted to reviewing & mastering the Microcosmic Orbit, Six Healing Sounds, Cosmic Inner Smile, Chi Self-Massage, 6 Directions, Iron Shirt Chi Kung I, and Healing Love.

Inner Alchemy Basic Level II Retreat– No prerequisites

The Basic Retreat is training for beginners and intermediate level practitioners, and those desiring a review of first essentials. This week is devoted to reviewing & mastering the Microcosmic Orbit, Six Healing Sounds, Cosmic Inner Smile, Chi Self-Massage, 6 Directions, Iron Shirt Chi Kung I, and Healing Love Advance for men & women.

Fusion I, Tan Tien Chi Kung and Tai Chi Chi Kung I
Prerequisites: General Retreat

The Fusion practice focuses on balancing negative and positive emotional energy and chammeling the earth amd universal forces using the eight forces of the Pakua. Negative energy is transformed and made to blend with positive energy which is then fused into a pearl of pure life-force energy. This pearl is circulated in the Microcosmic Orbit and is used to open channels. Tan Tien Chi Kung enhances your ability to feel, develop, and store Chi. The mind becomes calm and relaxed while maintaining a high energy level. When Chi is stored in the Tan Tien you develop rooting and internal power. Tao Yin contains a wide variety of movements & breathing techniques from ancient systems of spiritual development. It comes from the heritage of the Immortal Tao.

Certification Training:
– To become Associate Instructor you are required to take these two weeks: week 1 and week 2.
– Upgrade to Instructor you are required to take W 1, 2 & 3.

Cosmic Healing I (Cosmic Qi Gong – Holy Buddha Palm) (Certification)
No prerequisites (Practitioner Certification)

Cosmic Healing is a practice of channeling pure Cosmic Chi for healing. Master Chia will teach how to channel energy for healing the body and through working with a partner, how to heal ourselves and others. The healing energy experience gives the students a feeling of energy buoyancy, recharging them with pure Cosmic Chi. Qualified students will be evaluated and possibly certified to heal & teach others using these techniques. Cosmic Chi Kung is also known as Holy Buddha Palm. The reason we train with the Empty Force practice in connection with the Cosmic Healing is to learn how to project Chi through the space in the cosmos, the space between your hands and to project Chi through the space to your students. Usually when we touch the student we pick up sick energy. This practice will teach you how to ground the sick energy to the earth and to disperse it into the Universe to be decomposed and recycled by the planets. Taught by Master Chia

Chi Nei Tsang I (Organ Detox Internal Organ Chi Massage) Tree, Sun & Moon Qi Gong (Practitioner Certification) No prerequisites

Taoist sages observed that humans often develop energy blockages in and around their internal organs that result in knots and tangles in the abdomen. These can constrict the flow of chi, eventually resulting in physical ailments. By using Chi Nei Tsang I‘s 40 techniques of navel and deep organ energy massage you learn to release and clear blockages, toxins, excessive heat and negative emotions. Participants may qualify to enter a program leading to certification through submission of practice case studies.

Chi Nei Tsang II, Elixir chi Kung (Five Finger Kung Fu) (Practitioner Certification)

Prerequisites: Chi Nei Tsang I. Chi Nei Tsang II uses the Elbow Technique, working primarily with the trapped winds of the body. These can become sick or evil winds which can lead to heart attack if not released. The student will learn about the Ten Winds, how to chase and discharge them from the body and how to inject good Chi back into the vital organs and glands. Elixir Chi Kung consists of 11 postures; nine of these involve gathering the forces through the saliva.

Chi Nei Tsang III Healing Harmony Tok Sen(Practitioner Certification)

New Development in Chi Nei Tsang, Chi Nei Tsang III Tok Sen (Muscle, Tendon & Meridian Massage) is the final chapter of the Chi Nei Tsang Internal Tendon Massage moving the energy (chi) throughout the body while releasing and opening up its passages. Learn to use the hand techniques (finger presser, twisting & spiraling, hand scooping & wave techniques) used in Chi Nei Tsang I to open up and release the brockages in the Abdominal, Arteries, Muscles, Tendons, Vertebras, Shoulder Blades, Coccyx, Arms, Legs, Feet, Joints, Hands, Neck and Meridian Lines. Taught by Master Chia

Chi Nei Tsang IV Karsai Nei Tsang (Genital Organ Detox) (Practitioner Certification)

New Development in Chi Nei Tsang, Karsai Nei Tsang, also known as Genital Health Massage, has been developed specifically for improving the health of the genitals and the genital area. We have neglected our sexual organs for far loo long, our genitals need attention and expert care just like the rest of our organs. Karsai Nei Tsang provides this care. The Karsai Nei Tsang practitioner uses deep, direct pressure with smalt circular massage movements to break up and dissolve the sedimentation in the circulatory system, release the toxicity and remove the physical and emotional block- ages In the pelvic area. Genital Health Massage addresses the common problems associated with our sexuat organs; impotency, frequent and difficult urination, painful menstruation, painful inter- course and low sexual libido. It is also effective in alleviating back pain, improving the body’s alignment, strengthening the pelvic floor muscles and increasing general vitality.

Chi Nei Tsang V Life Pulse Massage (Practitioner Certification)

Life Pulse Massage is a healing method for activating the vital pulses of your body. This ancient Taoist healing practice, an advanced branch of traditional Chi Nei Tsang abdominal massage, opens a new dimension of healing based on the flow of our vital essence of blood and Chi to improve, revitalize and balance the health of our organs and functions.

For more information, please contact
Universal Healing Tao Centre
274/1 Moo 7, Luang Nua, Doi Saket, Chiang Mai, 50220 Thailand
Telephone: +6653 921-200, +6653 495-596 to 9
Emails: and
Website Sections: Universal Healing Tao and Tao Garden

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